This division in (culture,race,stature,religion)etc. has lead a universe of supreme intelligence into a lower dimension of mind we call the physical state of being. It is because the man himself is from or formed of high gases that are not visible, but they are alive with a level of intelligent thought to become seen to express the message it has within its etheric-threads. And we all carry codes of life in our DNA. In the beginning book of the bible called Genesis a void earth without form is in total darkness. It also tells you in that book that the spirit of God was present with the void darkness; and water was with them both. From this scripture we have to pull a few facts(first)this was a time called the beginning right? Next the earth was said to be void at that first or birth stage right? The third fact in this book of genesis is that the spirit of a God was present there in the beginning with nothing but darkness, and the fourth fact of the matter which is water or the face of the deep as it's written in genesis 1:1. Do you know how two hydrogen molecules & one oxygen molecule(h2o)along with darkness or dark matter,and these are just gases we can't see with the visible eye but are indeed there-do we know how this created what we see? The word ATUM in ancient kemetic teachings means (AT-AB or FATHER, UM-MOTHER) so ATUM-ADAM-ATOM this is the science of three(3)being one(1) they are all the same person but just on different levels of perception. This ATUM was an androgynous spirit being father and mother born of light,ether and dark matter in space thus manifesting electric-magnetic-energy(LIFE). When you and I first begin out of space into time to become seen visibly! In numerology the word ADAM equals forty-six(46) and a person is made up of twenty-three(23)Sperm chromosomes & twenty-three(23)Egg chromosomes, It's no wonder why ADAM equals forty-six! Truth is we have eight(8)cells within our physical make-up that never alter from the time we are nothing til the time we are seen, until our gases or our spirit release back into the higher forms of space in which we begin. They do not change their program; out of the seven hundred-seventy-seven million, seven hundred seventy-seven thousand, seven hundred seventy-seven(777,777,777)germ cells that make up a person eight(8) remain unchanged. You are the beginning manifested in supreme thought form reflecting and bending light out from unseen gases or matter or nothing-Unto reality (physically explainable) you are that ATOM! "Let us make man in our image, after our own likeness." This is life taking flight from a celestial light form to a physical form of the mind, and every man is the work of his own mind patterned in his own image after the likeness of his own will.
Did you know that two things that you have total dominion and control over is your thoughts & your expression of words? Only you control this: so if the mind forms the man and the man forms thoughts and ways to express those thoughts on a superior way of communicating, wouldn't that make the person expressing the thought a image of what he is trying to convey? Who would that make you? The first atom of life was a thought of light that reflected the image of itself to deep space and became the SUN and in doing so had to be separated from the void in which it was connected to; Well, you are first perceived as thought(mental ether) this thought becomes liquid in the darkness or void of the testicles(sperm)now the water of life has intelligence and wants to "BE"or exist physically and so being supreme mind another thought takes off faster than the current of electricity through a wire in a radio to produce sound and it creates its other half or self in the darkness of the womb of a woman and chemically produce an image to be born or seen in light. Who would you call a person in control of his own mind or soul? That person can be called none other than the soul/sole controller, Master of self, CREATOR of man. Who do you think like? Are your thoughts influenced by someone else visions? Am I conformed to think a certain way to support shared interest among a specific group of people? Take good and truthful analysis of what makes you visible to others; and know you have imagined what you see around you because it is reality if it can be physically explained, if it's not what you would have for yourself maybe you've been communicating someone else thoughts and perceiving them as your own and just need to start using a little more of your own thinking to be an expression of the images you would want to be visible. "Peace."
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