The book of revelations 13:18 offers insight to when evil could be recognized and dealt with. "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: For it is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred threescore and six(666). Who is man? Man is intelligence housed in ATOMS and the make up of this Atom is six protons, six neutrons, and six electrons(666)intelligence made weak by physical space suits called body. Does not religion preach the flesh is sinful & The Holy Qur'an 13:17 say verily, never will Allah change the condition of a people, until they first change themselves? Isn't that what the whole of humanity ( besides a group of people with shared interest of wealth and power)want? What has to be changed in order to change your condition? The answer is simple; kill the beast! The evils of the flesh that are opposite of the mind. It's written for us to be not one with the world, and a world is defined as everything that exist everywhere; or people in general, especially a group of people with shared interest. Be not conformed to what world? We have sense to know that we have to be a part of everything that exist everywhere, but do we have to conform to people in general; especially a group of people with shared interest of wealth and power? What do we think of ourselves? How do we feel about others? Who do you think like? For most of us these questions mean very little because in most cases we are on the thought pattern of those with shared interest in wealth and power. Do you think our ancestors of slavery would rather have the titles and money this western world offers us reluctantly, or Just to have had a ride back across the sea back to where they originated from?
This is what has to be changed before the condition of a people changes. We have to stop conforming our minds to this world of manipulation & only then will the minds of the people be renewed and they transformed. Getting to truly know yourself, your own thoughts not those ways of thinking that are not of self but your own expression of making things visible. Possible through meditation; the pineal gland raises energy up the spine by two nerves (Ida, pingala)up thirty-three(33)vertebrates before crossing over into the base of the skull crucifying your lower nature and illuminating the cavern of the brain elevating consciousness. This is why the bible says Jesus was crucified at a place named Golgotha[Matthew 27:33] or the place of the skull & that he died at the age of thirty-three(33)because the technique of meditation raises mental ether and higher states of existing up the 33 vertebrates of the spine crucifying the physicals lower state of being, elevating himself or ascending up to the heavens or Father[Ptah-RA]. No mistakes should be made about this fact.
The choice is yours to make, remember no man knoweth the time or hour of Gods return because he won't come until you are ready to be transformed into a new level of consciousness,so the Saviour only comes when the self allows the mind to be renewed back to what it was purposed for. The instinctive nature of all in existence which is driven by the connection each individual has to the things unseen,the very things that create life. Proverbs 6:9 "How long wilt thou sleep,O sluggard? When wilt thou arise out of thy sleep?" God and Devil are one in the same just different aspects or states of being; The spiritual or mind aspect and the physical visible body aspect on different levels of consciousness the way we perceive the life we live. So who do you think like? Really evaluate self and make a true and accurate assessment of the thoughts you have because our thoughts are born in the darkness of the mind; Good or Bad and out of something unseen all that is seen visible came from; this void space? No place or no thing to being something! "Freedom comes with understanding who you are" the saying goes, so if thoughts determine the reality around us we see than what type of thought pattern has man had since the creation of Atom becoming Adam? Is it one of creating things that look good in the eyes of God[Heaven]? Or one of greed, obsession of power, war, and encouraged destruction of self and kin[Hell]? No other verse of the bible could end this book of the fall of evil better than 1st John 2:15-16 "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world, If any man love the world the Love of the Father[PTAH-RA] is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world." It goes on to say in verse 17 that the world will pass away, and the lust thereof; but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever. Eternal life, remember Jacob rising up and seeing God face to face through the pineal? What did he do before the man he later called God came to wrestle with him? He sent his family and all that he had acquired away from him; Only after this action on his behalf was taken did he see God. I can imagine the life he lived just from the fact he no longer desired the things of the world, being transformed in the mind because his name was changed to Israel[IS-REAL]after seeing God face to face remember? Then he[Jacob/Israel] was able to change the name of the place he existed in and named it penial[Pineal]representing the raising of his higher self and crucifixion of his flesh or lower self. Every man will meet the judgement of God because every man has to decide within himself the thoughts that reflect heaven or hell in this life as human beings.PE@CE
This is what has to be changed before the condition of a people changes. We have to stop conforming our minds to this world of manipulation & only then will the minds of the people be renewed and they transformed. Getting to truly know yourself, your own thoughts not those ways of thinking that are not of self but your own expression of making things visible. Possible through meditation; the pineal gland raises energy up the spine by two nerves (Ida, pingala)up thirty-three(33)vertebrates before crossing over into the base of the skull crucifying your lower nature and illuminating the cavern of the brain elevating consciousness. This is why the bible says Jesus was crucified at a place named Golgotha[Matthew 27:33] or the place of the skull & that he died at the age of thirty-three(33)because the technique of meditation raises mental ether and higher states of existing up the 33 vertebrates of the spine crucifying the physicals lower state of being, elevating himself or ascending up to the heavens or Father[Ptah-RA]. No mistakes should be made about this fact.
The choice is yours to make, remember no man knoweth the time or hour of Gods return because he won't come until you are ready to be transformed into a new level of consciousness,so the Saviour only comes when the self allows the mind to be renewed back to what it was purposed for. The instinctive nature of all in existence which is driven by the connection each individual has to the things unseen,the very things that create life. Proverbs 6:9 "How long wilt thou sleep,O sluggard? When wilt thou arise out of thy sleep?" God and Devil are one in the same just different aspects or states of being; The spiritual or mind aspect and the physical visible body aspect on different levels of consciousness the way we perceive the life we live. So who do you think like? Really evaluate self and make a true and accurate assessment of the thoughts you have because our thoughts are born in the darkness of the mind; Good or Bad and out of something unseen all that is seen visible came from; this void space? No place or no thing to being something! "Freedom comes with understanding who you are" the saying goes, so if thoughts determine the reality around us we see than what type of thought pattern has man had since the creation of Atom becoming Adam? Is it one of creating things that look good in the eyes of God[Heaven]? Or one of greed, obsession of power, war, and encouraged destruction of self and kin[Hell]? No other verse of the bible could end this book of the fall of evil better than 1st John 2:15-16 "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world, If any man love the world the Love of the Father[PTAH-RA] is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world." It goes on to say in verse 17 that the world will pass away, and the lust thereof; but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever. Eternal life, remember Jacob rising up and seeing God face to face through the pineal? What did he do before the man he later called God came to wrestle with him? He sent his family and all that he had acquired away from him; Only after this action on his behalf was taken did he see God. I can imagine the life he lived just from the fact he no longer desired the things of the world, being transformed in the mind because his name was changed to Israel[IS-REAL]after seeing God face to face remember? Then he[Jacob/Israel] was able to change the name of the place he existed in and named it penial[Pineal]representing the raising of his higher self and crucifixion of his flesh or lower self. Every man will meet the judgement of God because every man has to decide within himself the thoughts that reflect heaven or hell in this life as human beings.PE@CE
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