Tuesday, December 14, 2010


(LUKE 3:4-6) This will be a building block in overstanding the importance of the truth being given from spiritually enlightened souls in our mist.Let us not be pawns to the LIES again, for scriptures if we are to take them for a blueprint for life says "For there is nothing hid,which shall not be manifested; neither was anything kept secret, but that it should come abroad"(mark 4:22). Wouldn't  we get from that verse that all there is to be known is in our scopes, but we haven't focused on seeing things clear? This is because we have been raised on fairytales from the moment we were born, and this isn't a little Easter bunny or peter pan story; this lie has caused angels to fall from the sky & put our minds in the clouds waiting on help to arrive while our physical is trapped in that very place the fallen angel was placed to rule. You see, we are those fallen from the sky that have lower desires destroying the true nature of our being. We all have heard that the flesh is weak and made to sin; another is nobody is perfect,but how is that when  Matthew 5:48 tells us to be perfect even as your FATHER in heaven is perfect? Did you know that the ionosphere contains the highest concentration of free electrons? This question led me to my topic today, because our vision has to become more aware of truth instead of falsehood and fairytales. We are made of the same things for the most part especially when it comes to us being ATOMS.Six protons-six neutrons-six electrons; this is the cause of your self wanting to be seen, and from that desire you were manifested in the flesh. We see that as good or GOD when life appears; and it is if you begin to see God in you.The flesh is(666) that is why it could never be accepted into Heaven, but that unseen matter that binds all the things in existence which we bare witness to everyday such as planets, marine & wildlife, the trees and stars is resting in you as you read this.It is etheric matter or dark matter- the same binder of the universe (what I call black light) is what makes you appear to be a solid thing when in actuality our atomic structure is 99.9999% empty space, which shows us that this is potential light or ether.So the higher form of existing is what scientist call Mental Ether,and the lower form is what we know as solids. Now can you began to see why a person that reaches a certain level in this lower perception is called a STAR? It is because in the eyes of society they are not solid anymore but has risen to a place where unaware solids can only imagine of being which is only a fantasy to keep you on a level of the flesh that's weak & sinful. Every person is made of stardust/solar particles that are being absorbed every fraction of a second of your life in the physical; 777,777,777  germ cells that one of them through mitosis became 76 trillion copies of itself known as YOU! Do you know in reality this makes you a hologram or a being of light? This means you are actually driving a space ship right now; your mind controls every aspect of the world it perceives, but if our minds were manipulated from birth than whose mind eyes do we see from?      "ROMANS 12:2" (AND BE NOT CONFORMED TO THIS WORLD: BUT BE YE TRANSFORMED BY THE RENEWING OF YOUR MIND, THAT YE MAY PROVE WHAT IS THAT GOOD, AND ACCEPTABLE, AND PERFECT,WILL OF GOD) This is the key to unlock the gates of heaven, but it's your key and nobody can unlock it for you this is why all flesh will see the salvation of God, because when your mind has been renewed you see with the eye of light(pineal gland)/ soul/ instinct, and not the physical eye that has been blinded by the fall of mans lower self to believe in what's visible instead of the Truth.So think about this until the next time; If you are God by the power of the mind,but Devil or weak by the atoms that make us flesh,WHICH ONE ARE YOU?? Make sure to examine your perception when answering this question to see if you are looking at life from the view of a creator or the scopes of a world created systematically to make us destroyers.                          **PE@CE**