{"Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave unto his wife; and they shall be one flesh"}(Gen.2:24). What makes man and woman one? Genesis is the beginning of many things coming into existence; The physical form being one of the many. It tells you in chapter 1:27 of genesis God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. In the beginning their was no need for man to have intercourse with a woman because man was an androgynous being. He was made male and female having X and Y chromosomes; one Life, but masculine in its ability to electrically transmit thought and manifesting those thoughts physically; still feminine because of its ability to be impregnated with the thought that becomes visible. Feeling so in tuned with both aspects of itself that the pleasure it felt from bringing unseen things into existence was orgasm enough. There's a chemical attraction that man and woman share because they were once one but that light of intelligence had a purpose to be seen. The only way to see something that is in darkness is to separate it from the void! And so that being of androgyny, in order to manifest its existence had to develop a way to separate from itself to create a further image or extension of that self. Everything comes into existence through electrical and magnetic forces; push and pull, centrifugal and centripetal forces. Thus the act of intercourse was perfect to serve as
a means to manifesting life. All wise in knowing to separate its feminine Y self from its unknown X self by making the feminine side obvious holding the egg, but the masculine side or sperm unknown containing X and Y chromosomes being able to do as it has always done; "Make man in the image of God". We are all born by the same process of an egg or seed resting in darkness and life liquid be it sperm or water fertilizing the seed or egg, true? We grow up to separate from our parents to make this manifest when mating with the opposite sex. Even the lower forms of animal and plant life are instinctively taught how to reproduce images of itself to always stand to prove it existed; All extensions of one self wanting to be separate and visibly seen as its own creator. How are we attracted to the people we have relationships with? Why are people divorced after being married? How do I keep finding the same type of mate? The answer is a chemical attraction and instinct; plus the driving force of higher intelligence wanting to be manifested. So it'll give you a blueprint in the mind of what is attractive to you because really intelligence is trying to attract to you what it needs to be visible. Our problems come into play when we try to mate with ourselves instead of the other side of self. We often times try and make things just like ourselves one with us. This will always be a mistake because ourselves are constantly trying to separate from itself to become a different aspect of that self; The oneness comes from complimentary differences. Two magnets repel because they are alike, but steel attracts to the magnet because they are complimentary different. This is how you know you've found your {Soul} mate because you will compliment each other in such a way that two beings will physically appear as one(1) just like God intended and the lust of the flesh and eyes will be closed as it was in the beginning having only pleasure in things brought in existence that God looks at and says "it was good".
Love is just being able to emotionally connect to something outside of the body and become as one with that object; it makes no difference if you love food, works of art, clothing, men, women, or whatever. You love it because your ability to see the difference in the thing and than letting it become apart of you never to let it go being one. I'll give an example of what I mean. I use to love pork sausage as a child until later being informed of a blood pressure issue and the filthiness of the animal when I decided not to eat it, but I had come to love it; it was apart of me now so even til this day I eat vegetarian sausage flavored like the thing that has been apart of me since youth, but knowing the difference between something tasting good and being good for me: from something that's no good for my being at all but just taste good. When you know you have something good for you and taste good; why ruin it with the good taste of something destructive to your being? PE@CE
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