"JEREMIAH10:1-5" (HEAR YE THE WORD WHICH THE LORD SPEAKETH UNTO YOU, O HOUSE OF ISRAEL: THUS SAITH THE LORD, LEARN NOT THE WAY OF THE HEATHEN, AND BE NOT DISMAYED AT THE SIGNS OF HEAVEN; FOR THE HEATHEN ARE DISMAYED AT THEM. FOR THE CUSTOMS OF THE PEOPLE ARE VAIN: FOR ONE CUTTETH A TREE OUT OF THE FOREST, THE WORK OF THE HANDS OF THE WORKMAN, WITH THE AXE. THEY DECK IT WITH SILVER AND WITH GOLD; THEY FASTEN IT WITH NAILS AND WITH HAMMERS, THAT IT MOVE NOT. THEY ARE UPRIGHT AS THE PALM TREE, BUT SPEAK NOT: THEY MUST NEEDS BE BORNE, BECAUSE THEY CANNOT GO. BE NOT AFRAID OF THEM; FOR THEY CANNOT DO EVIL, NEITHER ALSO IS IT IN THEM TO DO GOOD.) **WHAT DOES ALL THAT MEAN??** Well if you look at these scriptures, and throughout the bible we never see anything that pertains to the month or day that Jesus was born. As a matter of fact scholars and theologians agree that September or October are most likely the month that he was born. Regardless of that, if we say that we believe in something shouldn't we follow guidance from our beliefs? I mean a person doesn't say that they follow a certain thing without knowing what they were following right? How could we say we listen to or obey GOD when he gives instructions for us to follow? Doesn't the money even read "In God We Trust?" See the problem is we don't know God and so we except what was given to us of a thing which is taught to be the creator of all things good. Well since we were taught this why do we reason with evil when it comes to the day known as CHRISTMAS? In the above book of Jeremiah chapter 10 verses 1-5 a word was given from the Lords mouth to the house of Israel, and this word was not to learn the way of the heathen. It then tells you specifically a certain way of the heathen where they cut a tree from the forest and bring it into their homes to be decorated with silver and with gold. This is the only verse in the bible that hints to anything close to what we know as Christmas and the word spoken from the Lord about this practice is clear. We are all free to be what we want, in fact it is our God given right in this world this is why we have control over choices we make, because that way you can't put the blame anywhere but with you. Remember "be not afraid of them". We must not think that if we do not participate in a heathen ritual that we are not appreciative of the FATHER of all things, this is a fear tactic used to control a persons thinking. We are indeed the most appreciative when we listen to the creator and not the created; Soul not flesh; God and not man. So do yourself some good this HOLY-DAY season and save that money you work so hard for because God knows you deserve it. PE@CE
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